Wednesday, January 26, 2011

World's Fair Wednesday- Even More Modern Buildings

Continuing on the exploration of the various buildings constructed for the 1958 Brussel's Worlds Fair. I am still amazed that this fair has not received more press. These buildings are some of the neatest looking Mid-Century Mod buildings I have seen. First up is the Great Britain Pavilion. The tiled wall is a nice feature.

Next up is the wood products building...a fantastic building made out of wood. I love the foliage and all the landscaping.

Another of my favorite slides is this one of the IBM pavilion. The large glass and steel structure with the cantilevered roof and the fun bubble shaped trams.

Final image is of the United Nations building with the Atomium in the background. At this time, the United Nations was very prominent with many activities including UNICEF, refugee welfare and several police actions across the World.


Pegleg Pete said...

Great pics, as always. I'm especially loving those Mercedes trams.

Major Pepperidge said...

What a super amazing set of photos this has been. I don't know why this is practically a "forgotten fair", at least in the U.S.

Katella Gate said...

This is a really awesome fair. The variety of buildings and the creative architecture is really outstanding. I'd love to live in any of these buildings (except the ones that look like they're from the 6th century... Billy passes on that.)