On August 3, 1967 (when Disneyland was open from 9 AM to 12 AM and the high was 82 degrees and the low was 66 degrees) the photographer spent some time in Frontierland. First up was a trip on the Mark Twain and a look at the burning settler's cabin with the dead settler. Now the cabin has been renovated and leased out to the river boat baron Mike Fink. Riverfront beach property is very expensive now.

Next up was a trip on a Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland. First up is a view of battling elk. Note the other elk are ignoring the two boys as they always wrestle each other at family gatherings.

Last image for today is of the painted pots and geyser seen in the living desert. As a kid, I was always amazed at how the train engineer could time the trip so each time the train passed the geyser, the geyser was shooting water. Now I know better.