Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Omnibus to Fantasyland Via Main Street

The final Main Street vehicle silhouette sign is for the Omnibus. The cost was the same, 10 cents or an A Coupon. Check out the lonely driver with no passengers. This is for K Martinez...since it is the last, I scanned both photographs I have of the Omnibus sign. Enjoy!


K. Martinez said...

Fantastic! And now it's complete. Thank you so much for posting all the Main Street Vehicle signs. I love 'em. You always do a fantastic job with your "series" posts.

Major Pepperidge said...

Wow, I had no idea that there were so many of these "silhouette" signs. One of the cutouts was in that recent "Story of Disneyland" auction - if only I could have afforded it!

Matthew said...

PJ you always go out of your way for your fans. Well done! I must admit too... I've been enjoying the signs myself. My favorites are the Fire Wagon and "Horse Cars." I always thought they were the horse drawn street cars... learn something new every day.