Friday, November 15, 2013

Souvenir Friday- Disneyland Merchandise News

A very fragile and ephemeral item is this newsletter sent to Disneyland Lessees regarding the merchandise in their stores. Dating to August 10, 1957 the newsletter details the popularity of postcards, attendance projections, procedures in regards to pricing and type of merchandise, how to draw a crowd (now to find a photograph of the giant stein in the Emporium window) and the Fall schedule for Disneyland. The other goal is to locate more of these early newsletters.


stu29573 said...

"Those shops selling carnival-type novelties, expecting to make an easy dollar today, will gradually fall behind the shops which display and sell the unusual."

Oh, how the mighty have fallen...

keeline said...

Very interesting. One can easily imagine the vendors of the day (including Ultra-Violet Products Inc who ran Mineral Hall next to the Rainbow Caverns Mine Train) receiving these and being guided by them.
