Once upon a time the area around the Giant Dipper Roller Coaster in Mission Beach in San Diego there was a small amusement park with some fun rides. These photographs are from 1961 and feature a grandmother and grandfather taking their grandchildren to the park. The older boy liked trains, getting close to the engine in this picture.

Then he boarded the train for a ride around the park.

I love these off the shelf carnival rides like the helicopter seen in the background.

Last image is a rare view of the small western themed area at the park. I love the sign for the jail, Poker Flats Jail. Plus check out that stroller.

I like the child-scale Poker Flats Jail pic.
"Once upon a time"...
They still do have amusement rides there, as well as indoor mini golf, arcade, stores with the pool and man-made surfing waves right next door...
Fun is still to be had there.
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