Having just acquired a large collection of World's Fair slides from 1958 and 1964, I am starting World's Fair Wednesdays. The first series are from the GM Futurama pavilion. The slides show the interior of the attraction, focusing on the exploration and settlement of Antarctica and eventually of space. First image sets the scene of Antarctica with some denizens of the frozen continent.

Some of the futuristic buildings built and designed to survive the harsh Antarctic weather.

The riders then proceeded to space exploration. Here are some of the orbiting space stations.

Two images of exploration and settlement on a harsh moon surface.

Seeing these images makes me want to jump in the time travel machine and see the exhibit (and everything else at this fair.)
Oh wow! Talk about a "what happened to my jet pack?" moment. This promises to be most entertaining. Thank you.
These are great! And a nice find. Looking forward to more.
Super awesome! Good interior photos from Futurama are hard to come by.
That must be some collection if you are now dedicating a day of the week to it!!
50's Moon dioramas...everybody's favorite. Those spiky-high moon mountains were popular because the looked really weird AND the let you cut off the horizon at the back of the "box" without being too obvious.
Didn't Gumby visit this place too?
Love these images! I've never seen any photographs from inside the Futurama exhibit before. Thank you!
truly fantastic images!
looks like the interior of an analog rifle arcade game.
These are unbelievable shots. I'm pretty familiar with these miniature scenes from Futurama. Under show lighting, these were pure magic.
For example: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hollywoodplace/3541330524/sizes/o/in/photostream/
Lit by flash by flash bulb, the scenes special effects are deconstructed, but nonetheless interesting!
Very cool! Albeit, less magical with the flash (as Kevin said). It would be cool to recreate this - the soundtrack exists, and there are probably enough photos of the scenes to do it...
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