As you can imagine, I go through lots of slides in search of Disneyland and other amusement park images. Every once in a while, I find slides that are a great slice of Americana from the 1950s and 1960s. This set of slides fits the bill of Americana. The slides are marked for the subjects Annette the mom and Cathy and Jan the daughters. In Christmas of 1957, Jan received a couple of dolls and a fire engine pedal car while Cathy received her first bike. And the family was driven around in what appears to be a 1955 Ford Country Squire station wagon. Tomorrow a return to the regularly scheduled theme park.

These are fun too!
Oh, man. I had a pedal car just like that little fire engine. I really wish they made them in adult sizes! :)
Hm. Notice that the license plate says "1960." Was it common practice to date them three years in advance? Nice, nostalgic pictures regardless.
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