Saturday, February 09, 2013

Portrait of Young Love

Four more photographs from Larry and Sally's trip to Disneyland. First up are two images of Sally getting her portrait drawn at the Art Festival on Main Street. I like the first image with Sally looking up at the camera.

A nice shot of Sally on the Mark Twain and she definitely looks happy.

The happy couple on the Twain. Like most people visiting Disneyland, the couple is smiling and happy!


Anonymous said...

I never seem to tire looking at this couple. It takes me back to my own experiences around that time.

K. Martinez said...

That final pic is great! Those are happy faces.

Anonymous said...

The artist on the left appears to be sitting on thin air! Anything can happen at Disneyland.
Considering we see Sally in 2 different outfits I’m assuming they spent at least 2 days at the Park.