A couple nice snapshots of a wooden Art Deco roller coaster named the Jungle Phantom. The train is in station and the cars feature nice chrome Art Deco accents. The name is on the cars, Jungle Phantom. In a quick search of the internets, I could not find any history of this coaster. It may be an older coaster that started with a different name and the name changed. If any of you ACE members out there know the location, please let me know.

I check as well including the RCDB which shows the different names used for each individual roller coaster in the world and came up with nothing! Beautiful coaster trains.
You know, I wonder if this is actually a coaster or not. There don't seem to be any restraints, and I'm not sure you would hold your kid on your lap on a coaster! Maybe it's a zoo train...
Also, it looks like only the last car is named the Jungle Phantom. The car before it is called the Jungle Rocket. And the car before that something else. I think it's a coaster, but the photo was taken when it was closed.
I do not believe this is actually a coaster either. This is a miniature train manufactured by National Amusement Devices. NAD made miniature trains with coaches that matched the body style of its Century Flyer coaster trains. As was pointed out, there is no lap bar. Also, the riders are sitting higher than normal and the seats lack padding.
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