Saturday, February 17, 2007

SOP Saturday- 1965 Version Disneyland and You Employee Orientation Handbook

This is the 1965 version of the Disneyland orientation and employee handbook. Titled Disneyland and You, it describes the various rules, requirements and expectations for the job at Disneyland. I like the small graphic symbols used as topic headers especially the one for contagious disease.


Major Pepperidge said...

It is interesting to see the change in graphic styles over the years. In the 50's you had lots of pinks and aquas (just like the cars!), and sometimes playful lettering. Mid to late 60's we see some sort of "international style" creeping in, with the easy-to-read symbols and bold type with no flourishes, and the harvest-gold and avocado-green.

I could go on and on!

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting how not a lot has changed! Things such as costumes, appearance and attendance are basically the same, while others have been updated as time passed and technology evolved, like the telephone policy! I'm pretty sure husbands and wives can work at the same locations too, i've seen a couple at mine not too long ago!

Unknown said...

@Major Pepperidge - Comparing design across decades is fascinating! And I really love the look on this old handbook for real.