Monday, October 30, 2006

Haunted Mansion is Open

Today's view shows the Mansion exterior the first year it was open. I can just imagine the excitement of the people waiting in line to see this new attraction in this house that has been sitting there for years. The back tag states Ghosts Welcome- Disneyland's new "Haunted Mansion" is now open with 999 ghosts, goblins and ghouls of every description. The stateley looking mansion is finished with cobwebs, creaking doors and even a murky graveyard== just the kind of unearthly atmosphere that high spirited ghosts enjoy.


Chris Merritt said...

This is going to be an awesome week! Thanks for the Mansion pics...

Major Pepperidge said...

Wonderful photo! Argh, I sure wish that I had some spooky mansion pics. No such luck!

I love the wrought iron!