Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Main Street Posts

Since I will be going away for Thanksgiving, I too have decided like Major Pepperidge to post multiple images. This is kind of a tour of the entrance and Main Street. The first image is of the Main Entrance with Jordan's and Dave's lamented parking lot.

Nest we go to the old ticket booths that seemed so much more efficient than the current ticket booths. You can almost feel the anticipation about entering Disneyland. The center group appears to be debating which ticket plan to purchase.

Then you see the Main Street Station on the raised berm with the Mickey Mouse floral centerpiece. This view predates the hanging of the posters on the railing, which I believe they did in 1958.

Last stop is the Bank of America Building on Main Street. I have included a close up of the sign for purchasing Souvenir Guide Books. Enjoy and have a happy and safe Thanksgiving every one.


Daveland said...

Just to set the record straight: although I feel Jordan’s pain, I have to admit I prefer having CA Adventure to a parking lot. It may have turned out to be a boondoggle, but I feel that at some point the Imagineers will fix it. Either way, great pics and have an awesome T-Day!

Anonymous said...

Very nice photos (as usual)! i kind of agree with's not so much that I loved the parking lot, but I miss the experience (almost a cinematic experience) of parking far away, and then getting closer and closer as your tram approached the entrance, increasing your anticipation.

allyn fratkin said...

someone should make a list of the population listed on the train station by year to aid in identifying when photos were taken. this one looks like it says 5,000,000. it now says 500,000,000.