Monday, November 20, 2006

Hijacked to Be Part of Captain Hooks Crew on The Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship

After harrassing the old lady on Main Street, the model then was hijacked by Captain Hook, made to take off her shoes and climb the rigging of the Chicken of the Sea Pirate ship. Of course if a Disneyland employee sees her with her shoes off, she may be kicked out of the park. Then again, they may be mesmerized by her long legs and just let her stand there.

The photographer is Jacques Delangre (what a great name for a risque photographer) and this image may have been published in one of the many pin up and girlie magazines of the time. I wonder where and what the model is doing thses days?


DisneyDutchman said...

Probably picking up her dentures at Wal Mart!! Sure looked good back then!!!! Looking forward to part three in the series -DD

Anonymous said...

Shiver me timbers! Those bullet bras were somethin'...

If Captain Hook had shown her to John and Michael, they would have been able to skip that "Pirate's Life" song and just sign 'em up right away.

thepicklebarrel said...

va-va-va-voooo...wait a minute!

these are disturbing!!!

i wonder how long it took the model shop to sculpt those burgs?

really, outstanding stuff!