Monday, June 18, 2012

Santa's Village Entrance

For the next week, I am spotlighting Santa's Village. It is Christmas in June to think cold thoughts during this heat in Denver. First up is the sign over the entrance to Santa's Village.

Next up is the guard house at the entrance. I love the striped pole for the stop sign.


Major Pepperidge said...

Is that last photo really the entrance? You'd think they would make a nicer driveway!! Still, that tiny guard house is awesome, and you get a giant mushroom too.

K. Martinez said...

I love that sleigh and reindeer sign.

In the second image it looks like the entrance is left onto the paved road, not right onto the dirt road. The position of the stop sign seems to indicate this. Either way it's an awesome image.

outsidetheberm said...

You've got a couple of really great and unique angles there, Patrick! It looks like the photographer pretty much stood in one general location for both of these - with the flying reindeer to the right of the guardhouse. Most shots seem to come from the spot where the woman is standing with the box camera.
