Today I am celebrating- celebrating the New Years. However, the images I am posting are of two different celebrations at two different parks. Both however are by the same photographer Mell Kilpatrick. First up is a birthday celebration with the time honored ice cream cake. This was held at the American Dairy Association Milk Bar in Tomorrowland. One cool thing about this image is the kids are using plastic spoons marked for the American Dairy Association in Disneyland. (Yes I have one, and would post it, but cannot find my spoons in the collection.)

The next image is of a proclamation of Walter Knott Day in 1961. The day was commemorated by the planting of trees in various cities in Orange County along with a plaque at each tree. I wonder how many of these trees are still alive and still have the identifying plaque?

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year. Please be safe out there. See you in 2010.
I'm really digging that tiled wall at the American Dairy display, what a great photo! Interesting about "Knott Day" maybe someone has info about any existing trees, that would cool if some are still around.
I would like to believe that at least one or two of those trees are still standing, but Orange County was all about development.
That Milk Bar spoon sounds incredibly rare!
Never heard of Knott Day before - interesting! Maybe Chris Jepsen has some pics?
Thanks for the intro, Chris!
I think we may have one or two photos from that day at the Archives.
The Huntington Beach tree is definitely still standing, near the Scout Cabin in Lake Park. The plaque is there also.
Two trees were planted in Santa Ana, each with their own plaque: One for the County and one for the City.
The County one is still standing in front of the Hall of Finance & Records, near the corner of Civic Center Dr. and Broadway. (If you stop to see it, also stop at the Archives in the Old Courthouse across the street and say hello.)
The City's tree was planted next to the Library on Ross St. Sadly, it fell over during a big storm a few years ago. The plaque was dug out and set next to a dumpster for pick-up. But I *think* certain people know where that plaque may actually have ended up. (As in, not in a landfill.)
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