I have just finished reading Wally Boag's excellent and informative autobiography
Wally Boag Clown Prince of Disneyland and thought I would show these three behind the scenes photographs from Aristocats. Wally was recruited to portray the lawyer when he was "assisted" up the stairs by Edgar the Butler. Edgar was portrayed by Dal McKennon. First up is an image of the main players including Woolie Reitherman and animator John Lounsboury along with Wally Boag and Dal McKennon.

Next up are the two action shots. The first is of Edgar falling down the stairs while carrying the butler (the large backpack thing is meant to portray a body on the back.)

The last one shows the butler resisting the assistance of Edgar.

For those interested in the Wally Boag book it can be ordered from Wally Boag available in a deluxe version or regular version. I do recommend it for some behind the scenes Disneyland history.
Very interesting photos! Isn't Dal McKennon also the narrator on the old Mine Train spiel?
Great shots!
I second the recommendation of the book. It is superb!!
Almost finished reading it, too. It has so much great stuff in it - every part of the entertainment world. Highly recommended.
Great behind the scenes shots. It is fun to see making-of shots taken around the lot.
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