A great Knott's Berry Farm souvenir from the 1950s is this neat modeling set of the buildings located in the Ghost Town. The envelope is pretty generic, being the envelope used for the Knott's Berry Farm souvenir guides of the time period. The set reminds me of the Lone Ranger town a kid could collect from the backs of cereal boxes and create a large town. There were also other paper modeling sets sold or given away as premiums during this time. I know some of you out there are very creative and good at modeling, but if I tried to assemble the buildings, it would be a disaster. If any of you want to try your hand at assembling the buildings, let me know and I will send you the scans...

Have always considered this to be one of the very best Knott's souvenirs. It's very unique.
It's so tempting that, years ago, we considered cutting ours up and building it! Wiser heads prevailed.
Do you know if Disneyland ever tried something like this during the same period?
Awesome item! I'll come over and bring my scissors, Scotch tape and Elmer's glue, and we can set this baby up!
Actually, you could easily have this printed out on card stock (or do it yourself from a good quality scan) so that you could assemble a copy without damaging the original...
Very cool!
Yes, I would like a set of scans so I can assemble one! Sock it to me! Email cjepsen at socal dot rr dot com. Many thanks! When I complete it, I'll photograph the results and share.
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