Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Red Wagon Inn Restauarant

Another very uncrowded day at Disneyland. This time the scene is the front entrance to the Red Wagon Inn, which after some slight remodeling became the Plaza Inn in 1965. I am always on the look out for restaurant items and images of the eating places and this one is rather nice. The sign can be seen on the wall and the showcase out front features the menu. It appears by this time the attraction poster for the restaurant was not in use.


Major Pepperidge said...

Looks like one of the diners has left their child hitched up at the horse hitch!

Amazon Belle said...

I enjoy seeing photos of the park without the fences around the grass... just the way Walt wanted it!

Anonymous said...

Here's a nice photo of The Red Wagon:


Thanks to Flickr and the legions of Disney fans that post on it!

Matterhorn1959 said...

Thanks for the link Pfeiffer photos. I have that postcard in my collection.