One of my favorite collectible subjects are those items once sold at the Art Corner in Disneyland. This souvenir is a form of the old style zoetrope. As noted in the directions, the kid would place the wheel in front of a mirror on the enclosed rod and spin it and look at the reflection in the mirror through the slots. The figures will then become animated.

These are so cool, seems like it wouldn't work, but they sure do! Amazing this one is still in the package - wow! P.s. could not find that old WDW cup, but I'll look further this weekend.
Wow...that is sooo cool!
So awesome! NEVER seen one of these before (I say that a lot here)...
Whoa, super cool item! I can't Pecos Bill smoking his cigarette?
Wow, what a great souvenir! And this one's still in the original package...nice.
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