Friday, July 22, 2016

Souvenir Friday- Disneyland Skyway Chalet Weather Predictor

One of my grail list items has been this lovely souvenir of the now lost Fantasyland Skyway Chalet. Most famously featured in the 1960 Disneyland Gift Catalog, the souvenir captures the charm of the Fantasyland Chalet. The souvenir also features design elements from the Skyway including the city shields from Switzerland and also the great clock design from the Chalet.

Kevin Kidney posted the 1960 Gift Catalog featuring the weather forecaster.


K. Martinez said...

Holy guacamole!!! I've never seen or heard of this souvenir item before. Incredible! Thanks for sharing.

Major Pepperidge said...

Does it still predict the weather?? Congrats on a great addition to your collection!


Wow!!! I always thought this item was plastic.....but it appears to be painted wood or fiber board correct? Great item!
