Monday, September 28, 2009

A Family Visit to Disneyland 1970

Revisiting the family that loved Tom's Treehouse, here is the family in various places throughout the park. The family also appears to have been collectors of souvenirs, such as the lei from the Tahitian Terrace, the I Like Disneyland Flasher button and one of the plastic viewers with scenes of Disneyland. First we see the two little girls on Main Street, playing with the viewer. The group of boys behind them look like a modern Indie Rock band- maybe the Foo Fighters?

The next two images are of the family in an almost deserted New Orleans Square. The first image is at the western entrance with the Creole Cafe on the left.

The second image is in front of the Blue Bayou. Check out the ticket books and brochure in the front pockets.

The final group of images are from the walkway to It's A Small World. I like the look of this area at this time, so uncluttered and easier to walk through.


PTA Transit Authority said...

A perfect example of what Disneyland is all about. Very nice pics.

Major Pepperidge said...

It's kind of cool to find that vintage photo of the kids looking through those little plastic TV viewers, since you have such a nice collection of them!

outsidetheberm said...

Yes, the wider Small World approach does seem more welcoming, doesn't it? Nice shots.

olddisneylandfan said...

I love how it appears that Dad is reviewing the ticket supply. Remember those days when part of the fun was figuring out what to do based on what was in your ticket book? That aspect of fun at the Park is now absent.

210Frwy said...

Wow, the guy in pic 3 is really making a fashion statement. He doesn't settle for the standard "ticket book in the shirt pocket" look. He goes for the full "guide book in the shirt pocket".