Saturday, April 01, 2006

Fantasyland Attraction Ride Vehicle Seats

Continuing on the tour of Fantasyland these pictures present the seats of three Fantasyland rides. The first shows the lovely Canal boat seats, the second is from the short lived Midget Autopia and the third is from the Junior Autopia which became the Fantasyland Autopia. Although not the most graphically interesting images, they are very unusual as I do not know of any other shots documenting this aspect of the ride vehicles. And being the obsessive Disneyland geek as I am these shots become amazing.


Anonymous said...

The extra boost to the Fantasyland Autopia seat is a really nifty detail, nice group of shots!

Anonymous said...

wow! you can almost smell that hot vinyl ready to burn your thighs on a hot summer day. I remember these and how it seems like padded seats are definately a thing of the past.