Next up in the ticket brochure list is this one from 1962. Bearing the number 14 in the series, the advertising is for the adult entertainment program Disneyland After Dark. I love the cartoon of the adults keeping the event a secret. I can imagine the suave and sophisticated adults of the time, ala
Mad Men dancing, dining, perusing through shops and romancing.

Another great variant with fun artwork. I can only imagine what kind of erotic treats await adults "after dark" at Disneyland!
Can you invite the attractive Disneyland Tour Guide to Disneyland After Dark?
You mean the one who works at the information stand?
I was going to comment on the quality of the art, and you guys are getting all smutty on me!
The "Shush, it's a secret" campaign art reminds me of Roy Doty's work from the period, which for reasons passing understanding, reminds me of the "New Math" craze of the mid 1960's. Which is why I am 50 years old and can't do subtraction.
Doty Link:
Gluttons for punishment can have New Math explained by Harvard Math Professor Tom Lehrer at:
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