Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Purchasing Tickets at Main Gate Disneyland 1960s

When going through photo albums and accumulations, I am always on the lookout for unusual views. Most tourists took the same picture, the giraffes in the Jungle Cruise (or for that matter the animals on the Jungle Cruise), Sleeping Beauty Castle and the burning settlers cabin. However, there also is a somewhat large number of people who took photos of the parking lot. But I rarely see this view, purchasing the tickets at the Main Gate. I like the sailors in uniform in the background and how the girl is standing back just a little. I think the guy is going into shock a little at the price, just as everyone does today with ticket prices. Image is from a color snapshot that is undated, but circa mid-1960s.

1 comment:

NotesfromtheBarn said...

He does look like he's checking to see if there will be any money left in his wallet after paying...