One of the attractions with the most signage is the Tom Sawyer Island play area. Since there is no linear story as in most rides with a set beginning for all visitors and a specific ending, the island had to have lots of direction markers in order to tell a story for someone who may start at one end of the island, opposite another person on the other side of the island. The rough story was known by most visitors in the 1950s and 1960s, that of Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, Becky Thatcher, Aunt Polly, Injun Joe, Jim and the adventures of the two young protagonists. Recently with the change of the island to a pirate themed, there was lots of online discussion regarding the general public knowledge of the Mark Twain stories. However, let's take a look at the past and the various signs on Tom Sawyer Island. The first shows the directions for many of the "natural" features of the island.

The second shows directions to three of the fun elements on the island. Sadly the elements were removed years ago as unsafe. In the background can be seen the Northwest Pacific Coast Indian part of Indian Village.

In order to keep the illusion the island is wild, even the trash cans are themed to be as natural as possible.

I will continue with some obscure Tom Sawyer Island signs tomorrow.
It's always nice to see signage photos! I don't immediately recall that trash can; anybody know if it's still around?
Yep. They were unsafe. Nothing says "unsafe" to a lawyer like "fun".
-Katella Gate
Love the trash can!
Can I get one for my office? ;)
I agree, those trash cans were so amazing. What could possibly be unsafe about it compared to other trash cans??
Love that trash can!
And happy to have had fun on the Tetter-Totter rock more than once in my younger days.
More Frontierland please!
I never got the chance to experience Tom Sawyer's Island in its peak, with the rides there and Fort Wilderness actually open. But I did enjoy what was there when I finally did go to Disneyland... As the closest space in the park to a genuine natural area, Tom Sawyer's Island was my favorite place to spend a gentle morning walking around and contemplatively gaze out over the misty Rivers of America.
I enjoyed it so much that it actually provoked me to read Mark Twain. Of course, I then learned that the island only bore the most superficial of resemblances to the story, but nevertheless, I now count Twain as one of my favorite authors.
Thank you for posting these and I look foreward to more!
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