Saturday, December 24, 2011

A 1959 Visit to New Attractions

October 22, 1959 was a lovely Thursday with a high of 84 degrees and 6,825 attendees and this family visited two of the new attractions. First up is the alpine pool splashdown on the Matterhorn.

This pictures is a new favorite, the nuclear family posing on a nuclear submarine, Tommy the older brother, Timmy the younger brother and Helen the mom posing while George the dad takes the photographer (and those are not the real names, just ones I made up.)


Thufer said...

Tommy, Timmy and Helen into the 'bowels' of a GRAY. The expressions on each face tells volumes about the adventure which is about to be enjoyed.
Where else but Disneyland (?)!

Connie Moreno said...

Wow, how VERY cool!!! It actually reminded me of the wonder and excitement I felt the first time I went down into the sub!

Vintage Disneyland Tickets said...

Those names have gotta be correct, just look a them - priceless smiles.

First pic is awesome - still a great ride!

Major Pepperidge said...

Love that Matterhorn shot. Merry Christmas, Patrick!