Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Pre-Opening Photo Strip

Since there has been some speculation about the size of the photo strip, I thought I would post a scan of it and show the measurements. The strip is positive film and measures 5.25 inches long and 1.25 inches in width. The images are double on each side. I have not seen a viewer for the film strip but it must be pretty small.


  1. Very unusual. Very Rare. Thanks so much for sharing. WOW, you posted more close-ups. Gotta go check them out..!

  2. They look like stereoscopic images. Can you post them side by side?

  3. Hye, is this the correct viewer? I've never seen one of these before. Are your strips in a roll like these?

    If that link doesn't work, its Ebay #180215294655

  4. VDT- Nope it is not a roll like that. The images are on what looks like a negative strip.

  5. Could this be a pre-cut GAF viewmaster slide strip?
