Friday, October 05, 2012

Souvenir Friday- Walt Disney Character Parade Record

A cool souvenir from 1974 for a parade that was at both Walt Disney World and Disneyland. The parade was the Walt Disney Character Parade and featured the costumed characters parading down Main Street. A souvenir flexi disc that was meant to be mailed, a flexi postcard, was created with the music from the parade.

I tried to convert the record into digital, but my program is being a pain....


  1. I love everything about this -- the art, the concept...the flexi disc!!!

    Talk about a bygone era -- remember records on the back of cereal boxes?

  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    @Rich, yes I do remember those, also had some that came as inserts in a magazine. Whale sounds in National Geographic.

    @Matterhorn, what software do you use? Have you tried Audacity? Free download, works great.


  3. I love the original Walt Disney World fonts with mouse-eared globe in the first image.

    I had an "All in the Family" flexi-disc insert from MAD magazine and one from a Post Super Sugar Crisp cereal box when I was a kid.

  4. Neat, I love flexi disks!

  5. Wow. Days gone by. It's amazing how simple the artwork is compared to that of today. Thanks for the trip back in time.

  6. How much is it worth?
