Friday, December 21, 2007

Souvenir Friday- Santa Claus Glasses

In the spirit of the Holiday come these two vintage souvenir glasses. The first is from the North Pole located near Colorado Springs, Colorado. A classic park still in the time warp of the 1960s, the park has similar rides to the now long departed Santa's Villages.

The second glass is from Santa Claus Land in Indiana. Now the home of the themed amusement park Holiday World, the park opened on August 3, 1946. The glass appears to be from the 1950s.


  1. Would really enjoy seeing a map of the 'North Pole' park in Colorado. Did they ever make one?

  2. Very cool collectibles. I am getting in the spirit now. Please watch for my post tommorow I will be posting Vintage Christmas seals.

  3. Fun, I just got a pinback button from here...but your glass is definitely cooler (and probably 1000 times rarer)!

  4. Ha ha...

    I was thinking spectacles!

    Not drinking glasses. :)
