Saturday, December 23, 2006

Snow Delay- Souvenir Friday Shirt and SOP Saturday Ticket Sellers

Well I have now dug out the cars several times and driven on snow pack roads witnessing several stuck city busses and a UPS truck. Yesterday's Souvenir Friday post is a Mickey Mouse T shirt still in its original bag. A usual Christmas gift is socks and underwear, but seeing this shirt with the smiling Mickey Face would have been a thrill for some child. This must have not fit as the bag was never opened and the shirt is folded as neatly as the day it was manufactured. The bag still has the original Disneyland price tag attached.

Today's Standard Operating Procedure manual is one developed in 1959 for Ticket Sellers. The SOP really stresses the importance of the job and cash control, but also selling including information on guided tours, attractions and the ins and outs of ticket books. I like the spot illustrations spread throughout the SOP.


  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Who gets a Mickey Mouse shirt from Disneyland and never wears it?!

    These SOP's are great, I would never have a chance to see them otherwise. Thanks a lot for scanning and sharing them!

  2. illustrations by Big Mooseketeer, Roy Williams!

  3. You have the patience of a saint. Thanks for taking the time to post the ticket SOP for everyone to see. Great stuff.

  4. Anonymous6:31 PM

    wow nice t-shirt with Micky mouse. looking great.


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