Thursday, September 21, 2006

Indian Burial Ground With Fort Wildernes In Back

Another view of a piece of theming and scenic wonder that was once seen while cruising the Rivers of America. This slide is labeled Indian Burial Ground which was located on Tom Sawyers Island in front of Fort Wilderness.


  1. Wow, I've got some long-distance images of this area, but nothing as close and clear as your photo. Wonder if it was taken from a Keel Boat?

  2. Major- most likely taken standing in front of the location. This is one of the slides from a Disneyland employee.

  3. I would agree with you matterhorn. I also think that your slide of "Friendly Indian Village Loading A Travois 1960s." was taken by an employee too. They are standing on the shore. GREAT STUFF... from the park :)

  4. Amazon- you are correct, the travois shot was also from the same collection. By the way- I am still working on your project. I will send to you when I am done.

  5. No worries matterhron! I really appreciate your willingness to help me with that and your amazing blog site!

  6. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Isn't the burial area a little too close to that building? I wouldn't want to be in there when it's downwind from the grave and the body starts getting ripe.
